How to identify glass bottle when purchasing?

Nov 21, 2018

1.Listen to the sound. The sound heard when you hit the craft glass bottle by hand is different. The glass bottle factory, the crystal material has a higher pitch, and there is a feeling of reverberation around the beam, while the glass product has a low pitch and no echo.
2.Look at the weight of the vessel. The same volume of the vessel, the crystal material is heavier than the glass material, the glass is lighter.
3.Look at the refractive index. Under the same light, the refractive index of crystal products is higher than that of glass, which can transmit the rainbow light, glass wine bottle factory, glass products do not produce colored light. Glass bottle quality standard. Product quality from the production plant The standard can analyze and judge the quality of the product.
4.The specific hardness. Crystal is more rigid than the glass, so the use of crystal to scratch the surface of the glass will leave a trace, and when the glass is used to scratch the crystal, there is no such trace.

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